553. Project of a two-story cottage in white and chocolate design with a total area of 178 square meters. m
Project of a two-story cottage in white and chocolate design with a total area of 178 square meters. m
Number of floors: 2
Total area: 178.31 m2
Living Area: 90.14 m2
House height: 9.34 m
Ceiling Height: 3.00 m
Roof Angle: 22 °
Roof area: 207.00 m2
Number of bedrooms: 4
Number of bathrooms: 2
Minimum plot size (length): 20.00 m
Minimum plot size (width): 21.00 m
Built-up area: 167.3 m2
Walls: Aerated concrete blocks, brick
Overlap: floor slabs
Roofing: metal
Foundation: monolithic tape